RV Storage and Organization Ideas to Maximize Space
“On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again!” – Willie Nelson
If you’re into the RV lifestyle, these lyrics are probably your anthem. Life on the road always brings something new just over the horizon, but certain aspects of RV life are less exciting.
Storage is nearly always a challenge in an RV—unless you are a dedicated minimalist.
A new recreational vehicle is likely to have added innovative small space storage solutions.
Even so, figuring out a place for everything and keeping everything in its place is a challenge. Browse our best RV storage ideas and learn how to maximize the limited space inside your home on wheels.
1. Bathroom
Even if your RV or camper van is spacious, its bathroom is most likely tight squeeze. RV living requires making the most of every inch of bathroom storage and counter space.
Even if RV storage in the bathroom is limited, you can use a few storage idea tricks to maximize what you have. For example, tuck an old magazine holder beside the toilet bowl to stash extra rolls of toilet paper.

Hang an extra towel rack on any free RV bathroom wall space, especially if you’re traveling with several other people.
Purchase “S” hooks to hang on the towel holder and you can hang five or six towels from one rod.
The wall is also a great RV storage spot for toothbrushes via a wall-mounted toothbrush rack. Free up extra space in the shower by having everyone use the same bottle of 3-in-1 soap.
2. Bed
An RV bedroom usually comes with cabinets and other integrated RV storage ideas, but there is always room for improvement.
Your RV storage space next to the bed may be limited—you might not have a nightstand at all.
If so, look for a caddy-style organizer that attaches to the bedside and use it to hold your phone, reading glasses, lip balm, lotion, and other items that would normally reside on your nightstand at home.
Look for bedside lamps that have an electric outlet and/or USB plug built into the base. “Multiplying” electrical outlets like this is an easy way to maximize tabletop and counter space.
If you can install a shelved headboard over the main bed, it’s a great RV storage solution for clothing and gadgets. A flat storage bin with plastic dividers is a great way to organize a large drawer under the bed.
3. Closet
As an RV owner, you know that every foot of RV closet space is precious. It’s challenging to consolidate all your camper storage into the available closet space.
However, you should take advantage of all great RV organization ideas so that clutter doesn’t make your camper feel claustrophobic.
An RV closet organizer hangs from a closet or tension rod and enables you to use all vertical extra space. A hanging shelf serves a similar purpose. Look for a fabric shoe organizer to hang on the back of the closet door.
Even if you don’t travel with that many shoes, the little pockets are handy places to stash socks, underwear, toiletries and other small items.
4. Kitchen
An RV kitchen might be small, but it’s possible to create a truly functional space even in the tightest kitchen quarters.
For instance, a collapsible dish tub takes up little RV space but can be used for several purposes. Remember that all your kitchen items don’t have to be stored in the kitchen area.
Make use of any unused compartments, such as under the bed or an RV closet shelf, and store excess RV kitchen materials there.
If your RV freezer comes with an ice maker, you can remove it to increase your freezer’s storage space. Use narrow ice cube trays instead.
Keep plenty of zip-top bags on hand, so that when your coffee can or cereal box is half-empty, you can toss the space-wasting containers. Storing the remaining product in zip-top bags frees up more kitchen space.
5. Pantry
If your RV kitchen has a pantry, it’s important to utilize all available vertical space. Install spice rack strips inside the pantry door and hang under-shelf baskets to use what’s normally wasted space.
Look for products in square or rectangular containers instead of rounded ones, as they stack together tightly. This is one of the oldest camper storage ideas to maximize every inch of available space.
RV organization requires letting go of any bulk-buying habits you may have. Never buy more than will fit into your RV pantry. Keep the size of your RV storage space in mind when you shop.
A larger container might be a better bargain, but limited storage space means you should go for the smaller package. Use double-sided mounting tape to install hooks that can hold small items in bags on a cabinet door.
6. Shelves
Since indoor RV storage is so limited, it helps to hang shelves wherever you can.
While many recreational vehicle and camper trailer manufacturers already install shelving storage solutions, it’s easy enough to add more to suit your personal needs.
A good RV organization tip is to add hooks below shelves to hang mugs, keys, and other items you need while camping.
Stack a variety of storage container options on your shelves, but make sure they’re secured so they don’t fall off while you’re driving.
Put a small elevated shelf behind the kitchen sink to reclaim a little counter space in that area. Designate RV storage zones to each family member, labeling a shelf or cabinet with each person’s name.
7. Space Saving
“Space saving” is the name of the game when it comes to RV storage ideas. Any way you can consolidate items is helpful, especially when camping with a large group of family or friends.
Look for nesting pots and pans, mixing bowls, and measuring cups to maximize RV storage in the kitchen.
Pop-up laundry hampers neatly fold away when not in use, and double as a pop-up trash can when lined with a plastic bag.
A lazy Susan is a great space saving accessory for condiments. Keep it in an RV cabinet between meals and put it on the table when you’re eating.
It’s also easy to carry out to a picnic table while camping. Saving space wherever you can is perhaps the most essential RV organization tip of all.
How do I organize my RV for full time living?
As the old saying goes, you can’t organize clutter—you can only get rid of it. So the first step to prepping your RV for camping or full-time living is to get rid of everything you don’t need. Plan a place for every item you decide to keep and buy plenty of RV organization accessory products to keep everything tidy.
How do I organize my RV refrigerator?
Adjusting to a considerably smaller refrigerator can be challenging. Purchase condiments in smaller bottles and only buy what you can fit into the fridge at once. Get small plastic storage containers that stack neatly, to organize cut fruits and leftovers. Clear bins can help prevent things from falling out of the RV refrigerator and also allow you to see what’s inside.
How do you store food in an RV?
RV kitchen storage space is indeed limited, but you need to reserve some space for food storage. To keep cans from rolling around, put them into plastic bins or cupboard corrals. Use square or rectangular storage containers to make use of every inch inside your kitchen cabinets and drawers. You can also store cans under the bed or in another area of the RV where you may have more space.