Even with the help of GPS, it can be hard to find a house if it lacks a visible house number. Not only is this annoying when trying to find a new friend’s home, it can be a safety issue if a first responder can’t easily distinguish your house from your neighbor’s. Creative house number ideas abound. Unless your homeowners’...
With the thriving housing market, curb appeal is at the forefront of many people’s minds. Even if you have no intention of selling your home anytime soon, updating the facade can be a quick, affordable way to make your house feel brand new. Just like in interior design, the details are what really make or break a home exterior. Changing...
Maybe your landscaping feels like it’s missing something. Or maybe you want to increase the diversity of plants and animals living on your property. These are just two of the many reasons to install a backyard pond. Few homeowners realize just how versatile a pond can be until they own one themselves. A backyard pond could be purely ornamental. It...
Contemporary gardens are inspired by trends from all over the world. Many such origins are given right in the name, as is the case with English, Meditteranean, and Japanese gardens. Japanese garden design takes inspiration from plants native to the islands, as well as Japanese art and culture as a whole. You don’t need to live in Japan to use...
“A gardener’s recipe: One part soil, two parts water, three parts wishful thinking.” If you love a beautiful landscape but your thumbs are less than green, low maintenance landscaping may be for you. Many novice gardeners are surprised to learn how many low maintenance options exist for those lacking the time or the skill for complicated gardening. Low maintenance landscaping...
You love your man cave and wouldn’t give it up. However, it forces you to stay stuck inside. This isn’t appealing when the weather is warm, the sun is shining, and summer is in full swing. What you need is a backyard pub. This gives you the perfect place outside to enjoy a few cold drinks with friends on a...
It’s easy to feel like we have nowhere to relax after a long day at work or running errands. If that sounds like your day-to-day experience, a backyard oasis might just be the perfect landscaping project for your home. What is a backyard oasis? It’s a private, tranquil outdoor space of your very own. And all it takes is a...
“Florida is a strange place: hot, beautiful, ugly. I love it here, and how nothing makes sense but still, somehow, there is a rhythm.” - Roxane Gay You love your Florida home, but the outside of it could look a bit nicer. Isn’t it time you embraced the outdoor living lifestyle and upgraded the landscaping around your home? Do more...
In recent years, we’ve become increasingly aware of just how bad prolonged sun exposure is for our complexions. Many people have even cut down on using their outdoor spaces to avoid this UV damage! The good news is that you don’t need to give up lounging on your deck or tending to the garden to save your skin. Installing a...
Anyone who is lucky enough to own a property with outdoor space knows that “home” doesn’t end at the back door. But if you want your backyard, patio, deck, or porch to feel like an extension of your living space, then you need to treat it like one! Outdoor decor comes in all different forms and functions. From furniture to...